National Forum: Glossy Black-Cockatoo Conservation

Putting science into practice

Tuesday 19 November – Wednesday 20 November 2024

A national, virtual forum showcasing recent science, conservation planning and citizen science initiatives. Register now.

About the Forum

This national, virtual forum will bring together community, researchers, planners and decision-makers, government representatives, policy makers and referral bodies to:

  1. Share knowledge around science and research, community engagement and on-ground actions to help us work together to improve outcomes for Glossy Black-Cockatoos; and 
  2. Improve conservation outcomes by showcasing how we use science to inform policy and planning. 

Who is the National Forum for?

  • Community groups
  • Researchers
  • Planners and decision-makers
  • Land for Wildlife officers
  • Council staff
  • Glossy Black Conservancy members
  • Bird advocacy groups
  • Conservation groups
  • State and Australian Government threatened species teams
  • Policy makers and referral bodies
Further Questions?

Email the Conservancy at

How will the Forum run?

This ticketed event will be held via Zoom over the 19th and 20th of November 2024.

Your ticket provides complete flexibility, allowing you to attend as much or as little of the Forum as you wish. Plus, it includes access to recordings of each session, so you can catch up anything you miss in real time. 

The National Forum provides a three-tier ticketing system designed to make the event accessible to everyone while ensuring a high-quality experience for all attendees. Ticketing is based on an honour system.

TIER 1 - Members, Unwaged, NFPs, Community Groups & Vols - $35 each

This is a discounted ticket for Conservancy Members, volunteer citizen scientists, not-for-profit group members and unwaged participants. This ticket grants you access to all presentations and panellist sessions + networking opportunities. This ticket also includes a copy of the full Forum recording following the event.

TIER 2 - Corporate, Government Agency, LGA & Waged - $55 each

The Corporate ticket grants you access to all presentations and panellist sessions + networking opportunities over the two-day event. Whether you’re representing a corporation, a government agency, or are a waged professional, this event offers valuable knowledge and connections that will drive your work forward.  This ticket also includes a copy of the full Forum recording following the event.

TIER 3 - Group Ticket - Multipass! - $150 each

This is a full access ticket for you and your colleagues. Your single group ticket allows access to as many members of your organisation or members of staff as you wish to attend. Your staff and colleagues will have full access to expert presentations, networking opportunities, and the latest industry insights. The Corporate ticket also includes a copy of the full Forum recording following the event.



Tuesday 19 November

9.00am – 10.30am 

Keynote + welcome session

In this opening plenary session, Glossy Black Conservancy President Adrian Caneris and the team, will welcome guests and explain the format for the next two days. A keynote address, exploring population trends of the Glossy Black-Cockatoo in Southeast Queensland will be delivered by Dr Daniella Teixeira.  And participants will have the chance to meet eachother and network in breakout sessions before coming back together and sharing their vision for the future of Glossy Black-Cockatoos. 

  • Adrian Caneris, President, Glossy Black Conservancy | Welcome and overview
  • Samantha Morris, Coordinator, Glossy Black Conservancy + Convenor National Forum | housekeeping and how the forum will work
  • Dr Daniella Teixeira | What we don’t know: Monitoring population trends of Glossy Black-Cockatoos in South-east Queensland

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

11.00am – 12.30pm

Foraging habitat and feed trees

This session, which includes a keynote presentation from Professor Dominique G Homberger will focus on feeding habits, adaptations and diets of Glossy Black-Cockatoos including insights into the foraging habitat used by the South Australian sub-species after the catastrophic Black Summer bushfires of 2019-2020. 

  • KEYNOTE: Professor Dominique G. Homberger (Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA) | Feeding adaptations and diets of Glossies 
  • Janet Carew | feeding habits of Glossy Black-Cockatoos utilising Allocasuarina torulosa as a food source
  • Trish Mooney (PhD student, Charles Darwin University) | foraging habitat used by South Australian Glossies after Black Summer bushfires (2019-20)
  • Followed by Q+A with panellists

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

1.00pm – 2.30pm

Artificial nesting

What do we know about the success of artificial nesting and what considerations should be made before embarking on the installation of such infrastructure? Our speakers – including Karleah Berris (SA), David Brook (NSW) and Catherine Madden (QLD) will explore what we know about artificial hollows and nests and how we can maximise our chances of success. 

  • Kangaroo Island Nest Boxes – Karleah Berris, Glossy Black-Cockatoo Recovery Program, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board
  • David Brook – WildBNB
  • Catherine Madden, Scenic Rim Regional Council

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

2.45pm – 4.15pm

Habitat conservation in agricultural landscapes

Agricultural lands are a rich and valuable resource for Glossy Black-Cockatoos, often providing drinking sites and feeding and roosting habitat through large tracts of intact vegetation interspersed with primary production. In this session we’ll not only hear about tactics for landscape planning but also for engaging land managers in biodiversity conservation and monitoring outcomes. 

  • Brian Hawkins and Lauren Hook, Senior Threatened Species Officers, NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water – Local Area Management Planning 
  • Diane Guthrie – Lockyer Uplands Catchment.
  • Kim and Joel Morris – Bushland Conservation Management

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

4.30pm – 5.30pm

Flossy ID

Join passionate Flossy ID project hosts from around the country as we take a deep dive into why identifying female Glossies provides critical data for conservation planning; what we’ve learned about engaging citizen scientists in this work; and what the future holds for machine learning and data analysis. 

60 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

5.45pm – 6.15pm

Cockatail hour

Dress in your best (sustainable) red and black highlights for a 30min decompression session. 

During this session we’ll be challenging participants to use AI (or their own intelligence) to create the best (or worst) poetry about Glossy Black-Cockatoos.

30 minutes

6.30pm – 8.00pm

Citizen scientists panel

What makes a great citizen science project and what impact does citizen-collected data have on our knowledge about threatened species like the Glossy Black-Cockatoo? In this session we’ll hear about the work of 5 citizen science projects as well as the new knowledge being garnered through their work. 

  • Brian Hawkin | Glossy Squad, Mid North Coast 
  • Adam Fawcett | Making the Inland Glossy Great Again
  • Harry, Glossy Squad | Northern Rivers
  • Larissa Dann | citizen scientist
  • Victor Ostrowsky – Glossy Squad Clarence Valley

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here


Wednesday 20 November

9.00am – 10.30am

Habitat mapping

Citizen science data helps to inform habitat mapping, which in turn informs policy, planning and assessment processes. In this session we’ll hear from people involved in habitat mapping in NSW, Queensland and Victoria about the strategies they used to compile data and prepare maps to drive conservation outcomes. 

  • Margaret Hall and Sarah Legge, GBC Food for the Future, Priority Habitat – Northern NSW
  • Liz Gould – Glossy Black Conservancy habitat mapping for SEQ
  • Belinda Rossack, Sheoak Habitat and Recovery Mapping (East Gippsland)
  • Facilitated by: Dr Elizabeth Williams, Principle Ecologist, Biological Assessment and Management Pty Ltd

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

11.00am – 12.30pm


New technologies are paving the way for large-scale wildlife monitoring. Acoustic monitoring, remote camera monitoring and other tools are more efficient than human observers but often limited by cost, technical requirements and computing power. In this session we’ll hear from ecologists using technology – both in the field and in the lab – to better understand how Glossy Black-Cockatoos are faring.  

  • Dr Daniella Teixeira | Tools and methods for acoustic monitoring of Glossy Black-Cockatoos
  • Mike Barth | nest monitoring using 4G cameras
  • Facilitated by: Jedd Appleton, Director, Biological Assessment and Management Pty Ltd

90 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

1.00pm – 3.00pm

Recovery planning for the Glossy Black-Cockatoo

In this session we’ll hear from the Australian Government on recovery planning for threatened species as well as where environmental law reforms are at. The Glossy Black Conservancy will share its Conservation Guidelines and discuss how they can inform future recovery planning processes and a panel of experts will explore how we can ensure that planning and policy development ensure Glossy Black-Cockatoos are protected into the future. 

120 minutes

View full program here

View speaker bios and presentation summaries here

3.30 – 4.30pm

Final plenary

A panel of experts will share their reflections on the past 2 days as well as their vision for the future of Glossy Black-Cockatoos. Participants will have a final chance to ask any questions before we formally close the Forum.

60 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for the Forum?

Click this link to visit the registration page and select your tickets. Your ticket will include the Zoom link required to join any or all sessions in the forum.

Is it too late to express my interest in presenting at the Forum?
  1. Yes. Our program is now complete. Unless you have a burning issue which simply must be brought to the attention of our Glossy practitioners, we look forward to hearing from you next year. Urgent enquiries only to
Do I have to participate in all sessions?

No, you can come and go as you please. We want maximum flexibility so that the maximum number of people can attend. And don’t worry if you can’t attend a session, everything will be recorded for sharing after the event, 

What if I can’t attend a session?

All sessions will be recorded. Recordings will be available before the end of the year and for six months will be available exclusively to people who have registered. After 6 months the video recordings will be made public so as to maximise information sharing across our sector. 

Why are there three different ticket fees?

While government agencies, councils and corporations may have the funds to purchase full priced event tickets, we wanted to offer our unwaged workers, volunteers, not-for-profits and community groups a discounted rate. Tickets are sold using an honour system. To be clear, government agencies and corporations are being charged the standard rate. Unwaged workers and not-for-profits receive a discount. Please contact us if you are experiencing financial hardship that makes it difficult for you to purchase even a discounted ticket –

Are the fees refundable?

No. All tickets include event recordings of every session, so even if you can’t attend on the day, you won’t miss out.

Can I participate using my phone?

Yes, your ticket includes instructions regarding accessing the Forum via your computer and phone, however a computer is always preferable as you will be able to fully participate in each session.

What if I can’t get Zoom to work?

Urgh technology! Here is the link to the Zoom troubleshooting page. We hope that helps. Failing that, you’ll be able to watch the whole Forum when we send out the recordings.

Will I be able to ask questions?

Yes. This forum will run like any face to face conference. Speakers will be given the opportunity to present followed by a panel discussion and audience questions. In this case, we will use the message/chat function of Zoom to field questions and comments.

Where can I go to see the Forum info in one place?

Everything you need to know is on our Forum website

Can anyone attend the Forum?

Yes! We encourage anyone with an interest in Glossy Black-Cockatoo habitat conservation, planners, developers, policy makers, researchers, citizen scientists and community activists to join the discussion.

How can I invite friends and colleagues?

We ask you not to share the zoom link with colleagues and friends unless you have purchased a group registration. Please invite others to register and we will send them the link directly. Please direct interested people to our website:

Will there be an opportunity to talk with presenters, panellists or attendees?

Yes! We’re doing our best to make this event as interactive as possible. There will be an opportunity to join random breakout rooms during our opening plenary session so you can meet other participants and share your vision for the future of Glossy Black-Cockatoos. In each of the panel sessions, our panellists will field questions from you and other participants. We have a cockatail hour which is purely social (and includes a poetry competition) and we encourage you to engage with eachother in the chat. 

Ready to join us?

Photography © Andrew Peacock |