As our 2021 Glossy Black-Cockatoo Birding Day approaches, we’re keen to ensure your Glossy ID skills are up to scratch. Our ID workshops will help you refresh your skills, but will also be an opportunity to meet other bird-lovers, your local coordinator and to find out more about Glossy Black-Cockatoos in general.
If you haven’t registered as a volunteer for the Birding Day (11 – 12 September) yet, now’s the time. Visit to receive a welcome pack before the day.
If you’re keen to join like-minded bird-lovers to learn how to locate and identify Glossy Black-Cockatoos and their feed trees in the wild, click one of the event links below:
Gold Coast & Tweed, Saturday 14 August
9.00 – 11.00am, Building G11, Room 3.64, Griffith University, Parklands Drive Hosted by Tweed Shire Council and Griffith University. Parking options: Please see the map. Register: Weather permitting, this training session will include a habitat tour. Special guest, Calypto the Glossy Black-Cockatoo, will join us at the event and will give you the opportunity to see our feathered friend up close.
Redlands, Sunday 15 August
9.00 – 11.00am, Indigiscapes Theatrette, 17 Runnymede Road, Capalaba.
Hosted by Redland City Council. Register: Here
Virtual, Monday 16 August
6.00 – 7.00pm via Zoom.
Register to receive a link:
Logan, Saturday 21 August
10:00am – 12:00pm, Daisy Hill Koala Centre, 253 Daisy Hill Road, Daisy Hill Qld 4127 Hosted by Logan City Council. Register: Here
Join like-minded bird-lovers to learn how to locate and identify Glossy Black-Cockatoos and their feed trees in the wild. During this workshop to locate and identify Glossy Black-Cockatoos, Martin Finland from Geckoes Wildlife will bring along a live Glossy Black-Cockatoo as well as other native wildlife. Martin will present information about Glossy Black-Cockatoo identification and ecology. The presentation will then be followed by a short walk through Daisy Hill Forest to identify the feed trees of the Glossy Black-Cockatoos.
Dayboro, Saturday 21 August
10.30 – 11.30am, Dayboro Community Hall, 6 Bradley Street, Dayboro.
Hosted by Moreton Bay Regional Council. Register:
Boonah, Saturday 21 August
10am – 12:30pm, Boonah Cultural Centre, 3 High Street Boonah Hosted by the Scenic Rim Council. Register: Here
Join this workshop for two separate presentations: Meet Calypto (the Glossy Black Cockatoo) & Louise to demonstrate identification tips. Stay for ‘Rats, Cat & Owl’s by Stefan Hattingh, Owl Whisperer, a zoologist and an ecologist from South Africa who will share his experience and projects regarding rodents and why they form plagues, what are their natural predators, impact of rodent poison, and the solutions nature has supplied us with to control rodents (barn owls).
Tamborine Mountain, Friday 27 August
10am – 12:30pm Tamborine Mountain Landcare Site, 178-184 Hartley Rd Hosted by the Scenic Rim Council. Register: Here
Join this workshop for two separate presentations: Meet Calypto (the Glossy Black Cockatoo) & Louise to demonstrate identification tips. Stay for ‘Rats, Cat & Owl’s by Stefan Hattingh, Owl Whisperer, a zoologist and an ecologist from South Africa who will share his experience and projects regarding rodents and why they form plagues, what are their natural predators, impact of rodent poison, and the solutions nature has supplied us with to control rodents (barn owls).
Burpengary, Saturday 28 August | Fully Booked
9.00 – 11.00am, CREEC, 150 Rowley Road, Burpengary.
Eric Anderson from Birdlife Southern Queensland will present information about Glossy Black-Cockatoo identification and ecology. The workshop will also feature a talk from Geckoes Wildlife who will display a live Glossy Black-Cockatoo and other native wildlife. Participants will also have the opportunity to sign on to the annual Glossy Black-Cockatoo Birding Day which will be held on 11-12 September 2021. Hosted by Moreton Bay Regional Council.