More than 80 people attended our Glossy Black-Cockatoo ID webinar last week. We only had an hour and there were a bunch of questions left unanswered. The Conservancy’s science team answer them here. (And if you missed the workshop, you can …

More than 80 people attended our Glossy Black-Cockatoo ID webinar last week. We only had an hour and there were a bunch of questions left unanswered. The Conservancy’s science team answer them here. (And if you missed the workshop, you can …
Comment is being sought on whether the Glossy Black-Cockatoo should be included in the EPBC Act list of threatened species. The Threatened Species Scientific Committee established under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act), provides advice to the Minister for …
Read more Draft listing assessment for Glossy Black-Cockatoo
As our 2021 Glossy Black-Cockatoo Birding Day approaches, we’re keen to ensure your Glossy ID skills are up to scratch. Our ID workshops will help you refresh your skills, but will also be an opportunity to meet other bird-lovers, your local …
Each year, we call on bird lovers across Southeast Queensland and North-eastern NSW to help gather data about one of Australia’s rarest and smallest cockatoos – the Glossy Black-Cockatoo. Everyday people and experienced birders alike will come together this September to learn …
The Glossy Black Conservancy relies on the combined efforts of its various members and friends to achieve its aims, although there are certain individuals who make significant contributions towards completing priority actions or promoting the conservation of the species in general. …
In October 2007, the Conservancy was successful in obtaining funding from the Australian Government’s Envirofund program for the Glossy Black-Cockatoo Awareness and Feed Tree Project. The project increased the extent of secure feeding habitat in targeted areas by planting appropriate she-oak …
Each year, the Glossy Black Conservancy runs annual workshops to assist participants to develop their identification skills of the Glossy Black-Cockatoo and the resources on which they depend (i.e. feeding trees, nesting sites, drinking sites, etc.), provide information on the species …
The Glossy Black Conservancy is currently looking for volunteers to assist with annual monitoring efforts throughout the north-east New South Wales and south-east Queensland region. Monitoring routinely takes place via the annual Birding Day, with events held in May or October …
Birds Queensland offered its services to the Conservancy to increase community awareness by running monthly bird walks for the public in areas known to have Glossy Black-Cockatoos and presenting Glossy Black-Cockatoo information sessions at local council libraries across the south-east Queensland …
The Glossy Black-Cockatoo is listed as a threatened species in Queensland. Although the eastern subspecies Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami is distributed throughout south-east Queensland, the status of this population is difficult to determine because the birds are cryptic in their behaviour and …